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Active rest

Props: Triadball and spiky ball


Christmas special week one!

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Move the junk out of your trunk

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Giving thanks by moving

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Calm before the holidays

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Triadball past and present

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Working from the center out

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Active Rest

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Put it together
connecting the dots 2.0

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Love to lengthen your spine

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Brand NEW Exercises
with the Triadbal

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

The Art of Release and Strengthen

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Nice & Slow...
But doens't mean easy

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Romana & Us: Intermediate Mat

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Put it together
connecting the dots 1.0

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Special Props (Props-a-palooza)

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Special Props: Magic Circle

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Special Props: Theraband

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Special Props: Hand Weights
(small weights, big results)

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Special Props Series: Triadball

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Every Breath We Take

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Sacred Sacroiliac Joint

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Shoulder Balance

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

The Art of Rolling your Spine

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Release & Strengthen

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Moving our Energy

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

2 props as silent teachers

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Getting ready for Joe 2.0

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Essential Movements

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Getting ready for Joe 1.0

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Bigger Can Be Better

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Hip Hip Hooray

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

How old are you?

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Breathing...our very life depends on it!

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke


with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke


with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Mobility to Mooove

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Upper Back & Shoulders 2.0

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Fun & Challenging

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

The Fletcher Fusion Class

with Kyria Sabin & Deborah Mendoza


with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Opening Ourselves Up To New Possibilities

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Grand Finale Class
(your favorite exercises of 2021)

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

X-Mas Carol...
The Spirit of Pilates United

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

X-Mas Carol...
The Spirit of Pilates Yet to Come

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

X-Mas Carol...
The Spirit of Pilates Present

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

X-Mas Carol...
The Spirit of Pilates Past

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Giving Thanks to our Body

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Preparing the Meridian Stretches

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Keep Moving in All Planes

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Movements to relax, center & balance

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Romana & Us

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Winter Sports & Activities

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Rotation & Counter Rotation

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Dining Chair 3.0 with Theraband

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Three of Our Favorite Things (Combining Triad ball, Spiraldynamik & Pilates)

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Find your inner spring

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Movement in 3D

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Let's have a ball

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Find Joy in Movement

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Refresh, Recharge & Renew

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Dynamic Core

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Introduction to Ton & Michael's unique Approach to Pilates

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Movement Radiates

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Power of Opposition

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Pain in the Neck

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

From the Pelvis down

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Flow of Breath

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Reformer to the Mat

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Creating Balance

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Pilates for Hiking

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Reset & Restore

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Going Retro with the Triadball

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

The Subtleties about Rotations

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Back to Classical with Joe & The Elders...3.0

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Funky Lower Body

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

M&M's Mobility & Meridians

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

From Head to Toes

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Mad Matness with a PELVIC FLAIR to it

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

The Art of Assymetrical Exercises

with Kathy Corey

Gait "We are designed to Walk"

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Upper Back, Shoulders & Arms

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

A Thread Through A Legacy

with Lolita San Miguel & Kathryn Ross Nash

Reverse the Effects of Sitting

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

The Power of your Powerhouse

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Dining Chair 2.0 (home props)

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Stretch, Strength & Control

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Favourite Things

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

All About The Care of Your Thoracic Spine

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Change your View

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Joe's Archival Standing Work & More

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Flowing Mat

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Athletic Studio Circuit

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke


with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Posture & Gait Special X-Mas

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Arms & Shoulders Special X-mas

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Core & Balance Special X-Mas

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Legs "From the Core to the Toes"

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Reformer on the Mat

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

In Your Hands...Keys to advance your Planks

with Elizabeth Larkam

Joe & The Elders... part 3

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Relaxtion Through Movement

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Arms & Spirals

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Classical Reformer Workout

with Mejo Wiggin

Classical Mat & Adaptations

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

All About The Pelvis

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Joe & The Elders... 2.0

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Happy Shoulders

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Joe & The Elders... 1.0

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Focus on Rotation

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Focus on Spine

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Romana's Mat

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Get All Your Props Ready

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Dining Chair (home props)

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Two Balls for Deep Mobilisations (Spiky Ball & Triad Ball)

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Joe's & The Elder's Approach to Contrology

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Matwork & Merdians with spiky balls or tennis balls

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Merdian Stretches in Pilates

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Mat focus on Lung Meridians with Triad Ball or Pillows

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Spiky Balls

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Hand Weights or Water Bottels

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Just You & Gravity

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Theraband or Towel

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Triad Ball or Any Soft Ball

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Balls or Can's of Soup

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke

Only You & the Mat

with Ton Voogt & Michael Fritzke


Pilates Alliance Sàrl
Rte des Vieux Chênes 42
CH- 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland