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The Fletcher Experience

The Fletcher Experience

Fletcher Pilates Program Director, Kyria Sabin & Master Teacher Deborah Mendoza

Online Ongoing Education with Kyria Sabin
Hosted by


Iva Mazzoleni


Marcelo Benites


Gabriela Gabrowska


August 27th & September 24th & October 29th, 2022

for a total of 12h live webinar

The Fletcher Experience Course is the perfect introduction to the Fletcher lineage of the Pilates method. This Online ongoing educational Course begins with the Fletcher Fundamentals as well as the Fletcher Percussive Breathing Technique followed by a complete movement learning experience featuring the Fletcher Towelwork®, Fletcher Floorwork® and Fletcher Barrework™. This educational experience provides an exhilarating online introduction to the Fletcher Pilates lineage as it has evolved from the source into a unique body of work.

Learn more about Elder Master Teacher Ron Fletcher, who’s unique life experience as a Martha Graham dancer and his close relationship with Clara Pilates made his approach to the Pilates Method very different from all other Elder Master Teachers when he created the Fletcher Floorwork, Fletcher Towelwork, and Fletcher Barrework.

The Fletcher Floorwork teaches movement in a three-dimensional perspective, incorporating increased spatial awareness and flow. This in-depth technique can help to enhance hip and spinal articulations as well as improve body awareness and range of motion. Fletcher Towelwork is a signature Fletcher Pilates technique, created to stabilize and balance the shoulder girdle. Basic Towelwork can be taught to beginners as an effective home exercise program or advanced Pilates practitioners as a challenging exercise. Improve Balance, strength, and centering through the Fletcher Barrework. The Fletcher Barrework program offers a systematic approach to teaching the Pilates Movement Principles in standing.

By joining the Fletcher Experience Course you will enjoy the in depth study all of these Pilates techniques together with the application of the Fletcher Fundamentals to learn how to incorporate them into both your teaching practice as well as everyday life to complement your Pilates knowledge.

Benefit from over 25h of ongoing education in person with Kyria and Deborah side by side, mentoring you through Ron’s approach to the Pilates Method and have access to our educational platform to study the work with all the replays all of the live session, handouts, workouts, homework and much more to interact with the other participants and learn the most efficient way online with your group.

Join NOW this small group study experience, spots are limited!

E-learning Pilates Platform & Replay

All the tuition material, handouts and the recording of all live session will remain available to you for 4months on our Online Educational E-learning Platform, designed especially for you to perfect your Pilates skills and enhance your online learning experience for maximum results. Benefit from staying in touch with Kyria and Deborah over the platform's chat, review all the exercises including your own practice to prefect your personal technique and share your experience with the group.

Join Now as SPOTS ARE LIMITED to a small group only!

For who:

Pilates Instructors, clients and anyone who is interested in a deeper understanding of the method.

Webinar Zoom Connection:

The session will be held on a private secured Zoom Meeting and you will receive the links for the session that you have enrolled for as soon as your registration has been approved through


Pilates Alliance Sàrl
Rte des Vieux Chênes 42
CH- 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland


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